An exploration into a Primary School Teacher’s Classroom Role in promoting positive mental well-being amongst pupils in a KS2 class
- Qualitative
- Mainstream
The well-being of children is of increasing concern to parents, healthcare professionals, policy makers and educators. Set amongst the backdrop of a global pandemic, today, children are subject to considerable stress through inhabiting a landscape of worry and pressure. Schools and teachers alike have embraced the challenge of ensuring the well-being of their pupils is supported. This research delves into the concept of well-being and its importance within a primary school in Greater Manchester. It looks at teacher and pupil perspectives of well-being and the strategies used to support well-being within the school. The findings highlighted the important role teachers play in supporting the well-being of pupils in their classes. It found well-being was recognised as an important topic within the school. Teachers’ roles in promoting positive well-being amongst pupils was seen as vitally important by both teachers and pupils. It also recognised the impact well-being can have on learning. It identified pupils in the school had developed a strong understanding of their well-being in regards to what makes them happy and what makes them sad. The results also showed pupils have a growing knowledge of the strategies that they can use to support their well-being on a daily basis. The research found teachers in the school were skilled in their approaches to supporting well-being and used their understanding of individual needs to find strategies to best support their pupils. Finally, it found that well-being in this school was best supported when developed as a whole-school approach and ethos. The strategies long established within the school clearly help in supporting both teachers and pupils. However, there is still a reliance on teachers being adaptable and creative in their approaches to support well-being due to the lack of resources and time constraints placed on them in a crowded curriculum.
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