Sharing Student Projects

Teachers’ perspectives of strategies to promote students educational and emotional development in alternative provision and readiness for reintegration to mainstream schooling.

MEd Psychology of Education
Kate Eleanor Frances Murray
  • Qualitative
  • Teacher
  • Mainstream
  • Education
  • Wellbeing
This research explored the perspectives of six teachers working in Pupil Referral Units in England. The focus was to examine their view of the social, emotional and academic progress made by students whilst they were in alternative provision, and to explore if teachers felt that students who returned to mainstream school were ready for the reintegration process. What strategies and support did the teacher use with the student? Teachers mentioned that children being referred have increasingly complex mental health needs, therefore staff are having to prioritise strategies and support tailored to address the needs of students that may be experiencing significant, ongoing, trauma. They also provide support for families who may be experiencing hardship in the current financial climate. A key to supporting the development of students is taking a childcentred approach and establishing trusted teacher-student relationships. What educational, social, and emotional changes did the teacher observe in the student? Students’ prior educational experiences are likely to have alienated them from the education system, and teachers work to build students resilience and self-confidence. Teachers allow students to follow topics of interest, that may be in harmony with their career goals, helping students to establish a sense of ownership of their learning. Teachers will use their own judgement and evidence-based assessment tools to determine if the strategies are effective. Teacher’s report that the holistic child-centred approach helps students to make progress academically, their self-regulation and behaviour improves, they form trusted relationships with staff, they have increased selfesteem and resilience, and the attendance improves. What influence did reintegration planning and practices have on classroom teaching? Some teachers reported that their school had a clear evidence-based framework to determine if a student is ready to return to mainstream school. The students’ progress was monitored every half term, and this information was used to personalise targets and teaching strategies for the young person’s lessons. Other schools do not have an explicit framework that informs classroom teaching. However, the general classroom strategies can help the child to make progress to overcome barriers to reintegration. Once a child has been consulted on returning to mainstream school, staff support them with practical arrangements, such as finding out what the correct school uniform is. Teachers will also help support the pupil with the anxiety they will be feeling on returning to the mainstream environment. Teachers in alternative provision like to attend school with the student for a preliminary visit, and the classroom management practices, additional support needs and their academic level will be shared with the mainstream school. However, the willingness of mainstream schools to collaborate with alternative provision is variable.
The research has identified that there is a need for mainstream schools to collaborate more closely with alternative provisions. This may allow staff from alternative provision to provide trauma-informed support to the mainstream school, preventing exclusions. It is suggested that legislation may be the best approach to facilitating this process. The research showed the increasing prevalence of mental health problems is having an adverse effect on young people’s learning. Mainstream schools need to identify the root causes of behaviours and offer students appropriate support to deal with trauma they may be experiencing. When students do attend alternative provision, mainstream schools need to maintain the student-school relationship, whilst they are attending alternative provision. A member of staff from the mainstream school should attend review meetings at the alternative provision, to maintain open lines of communication between all the stakeholders. Alternative provisions provide a holistic approach, offering support to families as well as students. As many families are struggling with various adverse circumstances, alternative provisions require increasing resources, and support of external professionals, in order to help students to make progress. Greater sharing of best practice between alternative provisions nationally will help to offer all students the opportunity to make progress and reintegrate.